About Me

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I m what I spill here, 80% truth from the heart, I m who I am with another 20% of secrets I keep to myself... 这里吐的就是80%真实的我,另外20%的秘密建设了真正的我。。。

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I try to smile, but I m too tired to move my muscle, I cant feel myself anymore, numb! Numb with all the work that is swap, work work work, but still… this is only temporary, after this the real crisis will start, what should I go? No direction? No pointers? seriously sometimes I m tired of this life...


Anonymous said...

it takes more facial muscles to frown than smile...so just smile:)

Raziel said...

ha! thax, it is easy to smile infront of others, sometimes it is just masking up the real side, good to find someone that is true to us and take down that mask once in a while.