About Me

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I m what I spill here, 80% truth from the heart, I m who I am with another 20% of secrets I keep to myself... 这里吐的就是80%真实的我,另外20%的秘密建设了真正的我。。。

Thursday, April 06, 2006

chapter of my life

part of my life
i wanted a car!!! sick of just stay over here at cyber jaya, and the crapy bill that i own telecom but i didnt use it, a former house mate of mine make all those call, and now he is not to be found, fuck him, have him burn in hell men, ass hole!!!! but hack i still have to pay it damn! so see my life do sux hahhaa, neh i m cool with wat i have now, but not what have happen to me... wanted to go clubbing release some stress lately with all the assignment that never really ends, well have more to do ciao~

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