Once a pone time far far away at a village so far away that no one really know about it, and no one really stay there except for 2 friends and their family. The man of 1 family call Razit, him wife pass away not long ago because of sickness. The woman of the other family is Holid, not even she know where her husband have when too, he said to her that he is going to find fortunes when he is back to her. Both of Razit and Holid have 2 sons and daughter, and they have been friends dunno since when…
But one thing about Holid, she doesn’t have the responsible sense and have put her family in starvation when the raining season come, where there is no food to be find and hunt, but she always receive help from Razit her good neighbor, with advice and warning that she have to prepare the next year, but year after year it is still the same.
Till one year, it rain too bad, there is flood and land slide there is not much food left even for Razit’s family, again on the door come Holid for help, this time Razit is piss! He yell at her using the most unbearable words, “fuck off, there is nothing here, I don’t even have enough for my family, fuck off if you still think me as a friend, this is not the 1st time I warn you... and how it end up now? Now fuck off I have nothing more to say to you”.
Well guys what you think the moral of the story tells? Razit is cruel? Or the laziness and ignorance of Holid?