About Me

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I m what I spill here, 80% truth from the heart, I m who I am with another 20% of secrets I keep to myself... 这里吐的就是80%真实的我,另外20%的秘密建设了真正的我。。。

Friday, January 11, 2008

About work again

Damn tired, tomorrow we will be having our finale for our event (a talent search event), the children that compete don't looks like their own age, 7 years old she dance I say better than a 17, she walk as if she have boodies... but she is cute and her dance move.. DAMN!!! god level for her age hahaha, I mean mostly kids this age dance cute not sexy. No weekend for me again this week but till 15 I will be away from this company... hey is for my own good, if you know where I m now (a CC at Pandan Perdana), doing what (Sending an art work to a Newspaper) and why (cause the company's server down... for 2 days ady~) well this is not just it.. no need to condemn future nothing good will come from it.. PLUS HAPPY COMING CHINESE NEW YEAR~


Vincent Cho said...

why dont put the kid photo then?

Raziel said...

keep on forgetting to take the picture with her la, too much to do~