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I m what I spill here, 80% truth from the heart, I m who I am with another 20% of secrets I keep to myself... 这里吐的就是80%真实的我,另外20%的秘密建设了真正的我。。。

Sunday, January 28, 2007

A story of the king of tropical fruits

A brief introduction of Durian.
The fruit can grow up to 40 cm long and 30 cm in diameter, and typically weighs one to five kilograms. Its shape ranges from oblong to round, the colour of its husk green to brown and its flesh pale-yellow to red, depending on species. The hard outer husk is covered with sharp, prickly thorn, while the edible custard-like flesh within emits a strong, distinctive odour. Some regard this odour as fragrant while others find it overpowering or offensive. The seed can also be eaten after boiling, drying, frying or roasting.

The fruit in Malaysia is call as the king of fruits, it is hate or like by people here, there is a story about durian.
A lecturer of a friend of mine told her this story, a friend of his from Hong Kong came to Malaysia for visit and wanted to try our king of fruits, so he ask for instruction to eat the fruit, the lecturer told him to have the skin of the durian peal and eat the inner part.
The next day the HK friend call up my friends lecturer and told him “I don’t understand why you Malaysia like to eat durian that much, I taste so bitter and dry! And hard to bite too!”
My friends lecturer is curious and ask where he bought his durian and what is the colour of the “meat” he eat.
“I bought it from carefour, like you teach me, I peal out the yellow part and eat the brownish part.”

this is how it looks like normally when buy in supermarkets

this is what it is like...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my god.. don't make me laugh for 2nd time.. last night 4 of us laugh non-stop already.. ya, i should post this supper joke in my blog too.. haha..