About Me

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I m what I spill here, 80% truth from the heart, I m who I am with another 20% of secrets I keep to myself... 这里吐的就是80%真实的我,另外20%的秘密建设了真正的我。。。

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Wine & cheese

Lately there some girls say that I look more mature than my age~ sigh well some mean well and some just wanna say that I look old, well, I came up with this statement “Men are like wine and women are like cheese”. Anyone get what it means?
Well mostly men are more attractive when they age, more manly, more mature and more successful, like wine with time they age they become more tastier, more flavor and less unpleasant taste, well for cheese the taste grew stronger, good in a way but bad when u smell it, some smell like months un-wash socks, like blue cheese…
Well it too depends on personal taste, some people like cheap wine and some people just like strong taste cheese, well I sometimes like it, but not always, it give me bad breath. Be a strong taste cheese is better than be a process cheese (it is junk food, bad for the body..)
Can't be deny that cheese and wine is always a good combination.


Ohbin said...

well, there are many types of wine though。I'm sure old wine with no money taste like shit!hahaha
Actually, how old are you huh?

Raziel said...

yea that's call cheap wine haha, haha to you i should be a little KID~ just as my profile say~ 23 (Birthday not here yet~)

Pheng said...

haha... I like the saying. I don't want to look mature but I want to act mature lol...

Vincent Cho said...


Raziel said...

Maturity cant be act, it (mind) is grow into...

vincent cho:
