About Me

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I m what I spill here, 80% truth from the heart, I m who I am with another 20% of secrets I keep to myself... 这里吐的就是80%真实的我,另外20%的秘密建设了真正的我。。。

Friday, December 21, 2007


From a statue you found a prison,
With a guard dog that bark at all cause,
Your complains will only relieve you for a few seconds.
Which one is better?
A cold statue that is a control freak,
At least thee still free,
Or a prison that cold you up cold,
And move you around like a puppet?
We will be here, an island to isolate you for a while,
But what you choose is on your own will,
We have no place to say,
What you choose is on your own will,
And you choose a prison.

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